jueves, 15 de marzo de 2012

Ha gastado US$10 mil Dolares tallando su ataúd egipcio [fotos]

LABOUR OF LOVE: Fred Guentert, 89, has spent 25 years building his own Egyptian coffin to be buried in when he dies

The retired Florida postal worker has the full support of his wife Joyce in his unique - and expensive - endeavor

Mr Guentert taught himself expert carpentry skills from scratch and studyied ancient Egyptian designs through second hand textbooks

He has been fascinated with Egypt since childhood when his mother gave him a National Geographic article about Howard Carter and the Earl of Carnarvon discovering King Tut's tomb in Egypt, which happened in 1922 - the same year Fred was born

He's even traveled to Egypt to visit the Valley of Kings and see the antiquities firsthand and adorned his seven-foot sarcophagus with Egyptian gods such as the ruler of the underworld Anubis and the god of the afterlife Osiris

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